So I started to blog...
And then I started to blog. I have a plastic surgery practice - with the utilitarian name of 'Plastic Surgery of Gwinnett, PC'. It isn't very fanciful but I think the name does a fine job of conveying what I do and where I am.
I have not had much of on online presence. I created a small website. I didn't really use it for much. But then, as the marketing bug struck, I decided to expand the website, add my medical forms, and then work on improving my google rankings so people would actually notice this little creation of mine.
I looked into having the website done by a professional team. There are several options. All very nicely done, all very expensive. I don't think that the fancy graphics and the dancing models are what entice people to call for appointments. So I decided to keep my site simple. My son (The English Major) gave me some text advice to help it flow. My stepdaughter (The Graphics Artist) helped with some color advice. As I improve the site I will likely keep pestering them for suggestions.
After the website was functional, I looked into SEO. For those that don't live and die by their Google page ranks, SEO = search engine optimization. By following a few rules and adding useful content to your site, Google will rank you higher. Since most people only look at the first page, a higher rank is important. But then, to muddy the waters, there are companies who charge thousands of dollars a year to increase your rank. I don't really know what magic they do, but for now I'd like to just bet on good content and forgo the SEO companies.
That leads me to this blog. In doing my online research, one of the suggestions was to start a blogging site. Then I could add some links to my site (shameless plug for my website) and to other similar sites. I could add some content and discuss current trends in plastic surgery. And then I thought ... this could be fun.
So let's see where this leads. I'm sure I will have much to talk about. I'm also sure I'll have a lot of typos and syntax errors. That will be part of the fun.
And now - I have to go learn about facebook pages.